Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Being Black is Not Enough

Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evers and Fannie Lu Hammer gave their blood, sweat and tears so that African Americans could be First Class Citizens. Elected Black Officials in Forsyth County and Winston-Salem, North Carolina are making Doctor King’s sacrifice of no effect by demanding Second Class Citizenship.

I want to apologize to all the White Folks who I have accursed of holding African Americans back and not allowing us to achieve our full potential. I thought that given opportunities, we (African Americans) would prove to the world how much integrity, honor, intelligence and faithfulness Black People processed. It turns out that we have no honor at all. All we seem to care about is how I can get over, or how does this enhance my resume and will I be accepted by White People. I admire Hispanics, not for being illegal, but because so far they seem to put their family, race, success and country first above everything else. This does not mean that they hate or work to hurt other races; it only means that they have a vested interest in the success of their own race.

We vote for Black Politicians and Leaders that continually put their needs before the benefits of an entire race of people. They do not care about how our people, neighborhoods, schools and health facilities have declined while they are in office. Don’t they know that the things they are doing now will last long after they have gone on to wherever they will spend eternity? Why don’t they understand that they are bringing great harm on our children and children’s children?

In Forsyth County there was never any hope of an African American becoming County Manager. Case in point, Clemmons, Lewisville, Walkertown and Kernersville, may never have a Black City/Town Manager. There is nothing inherently wrong or bad about this. These communities are basically White and their governing bodies are doing what the votes demand. Winston-Salem is a majority minority City with the voting power to choose an African American City Manager that the Black Voters who put these people in office desire. Lewisville is more likely to hire a Black Town Manager, with its small Black Population, before Winston-Salem does, even though other cities like Greensboro and Charlotte, NC have already placed African American in Mayor and City Manager roles.

1 Timothy 5:8 says, “But those who won’t care for their own relatives, especially those living in the same household, have denied what we believe. Such people are worse than unbelievers.” This verse doesn’t mean that we harm other races of people; it does mean that you provide for the people that elected you and place you in office. While African Americans have control and power on the Winston-Salem City Council (four out Eight Wards), these Wards have the most condemned and blighted areas in the city, Lake Side, Forest Ridge, Skyline Village and Scales Apartments.

How useless is it to be an African American Office Holder. We would be better off without them; at least we could accuse the Whites of holding us back. If all elected office holders were White, then I could understand the lack of progress and success in our Black Communities. I could then say, we have no economic development in the Black Community because no one to represent African American values in City Government. With complete power to prevent or control everything that comes out of the Winston-Salem City Council, African Americans are worst off now than back in the past when there were no Blacks on the Board of Alderman and African Americans had to depend of the mortals and integrity of White Elected Officials. Would the conditions of African Americans be any worst if the City Council was all White again? Think about it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

I’m Just a Big Loser

It is not just that I ran for a seat on the Winston-Salem City Council and lost. Or that I ran for Forsyth County Commissioner and lost. It is not that I spent three years on the Recreation and Parks Commission and only missed one meeting (when I was on vacation) and did everything that was required of a good Commissioner and was not reappointed as is the usual case for all other Commissioners. It is not that people I counted as friends turn their backs on me for something of less value than a bologna sandwich. It is not that I can not convince African Americans that our children are not being educated and it is not all the fault of Black Parents. It is not in a City where half the City Council is Black; where Hispanics and Blacks are a majority that makes me a loser, it is my inability to make Negros see that things are worst now than 50 years ago. Back then African Americans could not affect change, but they died trying. Now we are a majority and control political power and our people are worst off than in the Jim Crow Days.

It is not because I am divorced and my marriage and family were the most important things in my life. Or the fact that I put my entire 401K Retirement Savings into Lucent Technologies Stocks and had a chance to get out as a wealth man, instead I got greedy and lost almost every dime. It is not that every time I go to the Doctor’s Office, they find some new problem with my health. It is not that am a Democratic in a City where Blacks and Browns are a majority and vote for Democratic Candidates and receive no benefits or political empowerment. It is not that the Devil and his supporters seem to be successful, happy, rich and defeat me every time I try to do what is right and acceptable to God.

It is because I put everything into God’s hands. I believed and still pray and hope that anything entrusted to Jesus Christ can not be lost. It is because my only son drown after I turned him over the Jesus and prayed daily for his well being. Without my son, there is no family, there is just my two daughters whom I dearly love, but my son is gone into eternity. Will Lucent Stock ever return from $2.00 to $82.00 per Share? Even if I had my wealth back and could enjoy all the things I did when I was 25 years old, would my joy and happiness return also?

I am not Job from the Old Testament of the Bible. Job was innocence, I am guilty. Job kept the faith to the end and was rewarded for his trust in God. My faith is at its weakest point and I do not see how God can return my son or take away his memories so that my heart does not hurt every time I think about him. Job got his money back; do you believe Lucent Technologies will ever recover its value? How can God bring back my family without my only son? Every time I try to do good, evil comes.

At my age, the joy that a woman brings is not what it once was. Do not get me wrong, I still love the ladies, but I use to have a twenty-two automatic rifle and I would shoot until I hit something because I had a pocket full of bullets and I could hunt all day. Now I have a single shot Twelve Gauge Shotgun and I am almost out of shells, so I must make every shoot count. There is no joy or peace in my life. The only thing that makes me a loser is I am convinced that I did the best I could as a Husband, Father, Provider, Friend, Good Citizens and Faithful Christian. To be a Winner, I must learn to suffer; I hope and pray God has mercy on me.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Winston-Salem City Manager’s Position

Normally the hiring or firing of a City Manager does not have much impact on the citizens of a City. After all, the City Manager is just a Manager or Chief Executive Officer hired to carry out the wishes and desires of the governing body. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina the governing body is the City Council and City Manager. Some people seem to think that we need someone from outside of the City. Others say we have good people already part of City Government. Each opinion has its Pros and Cons.

If someone from the outside is hired, how will we really know what to expect? How long will it take for this individual to become successful in carrying out their responsibilities and being accepted by the people working under them? For an outsider to be successful, major changes have to be made and may require bring in his own people or staff he feels will make his job easier and make him successful.

If we choose from inside the present structure and personnel, all we get is a continuation of the policies and altitudes of the current administration. Can the African American Community take another twenty-five years of a very powerful City Manager? How long are we to be on the outside looking in? Why must African American Leadership demand a place at the table when decisions are make instead of being a integral part and primary participants in helping to govern the City?

It makes no different whether the candidates comes from outside or inside, the plight of the African American and other minority populations remain the same. As long as there is a weak City Council, the only full participation for African Americans is in paying property taxes. If there was a strong City Governing Body, the City Manager’s Position would just be a reflection of the City Council’s will. With this City Council, the City Manager’s Position is an unelected Ruler. While the City Manager is not elected, this position is the most powerful position in City Government. The City Council often hides behind the statement that we operate under a Council-Manager form of Government. Is it legal to have unelected and unaccountable people governing the citizens of Winston-Salem, North Carolina? How much power does a ruler have who was not voted into office and cannot be fired by the people he rules? Is this truly an American Form of Government when the people cannot do anything about a person governing them? If this is really the form of government we want, the City Manager should be elected every four years by the people he rules.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Economic Heresy

Last Sunday, like most Sundays, like most African American Christians, I attended the 11:00 a.m. service at a local Black Church. Before the preaching started, the Tithes and Offering were collected using the same scriptures that are used in all Black Churches, Malachi 3:10; “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” All good Preachers know this is a good verse to quote to make the congregation pay their tithes and offerings. This verse comes with a promise that if you give, the Lord will bless you in return, much more than you gave in the first place. Because of this verse, Black Christians give a lot of money to their Churches. The Christians have done their part and we know God will do his part, but what about the Black Churches; will they do what God has commanded of them?

The verse, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house” means so that God’s People who cannot take care of themselves will be provided for through the tithes and offerings. At this point, no more scriptures about giving are quoted, and the Church becomes very pragmatic and the spirit giving leaves the Church. Now that the Tithes are in the storehouses, it becomes the personal property of the Black Church Hierarchy, meaning the Church Leadership, Pastor, Deacon Board and Trustees will decide how the resources are to be used. There is still nothing wrong with this process so far, everything is going along according to the Holy Scriptures and God’s intended will.

Now, if you agree that God wants meat in his storehouse to provide for his servants, attendees, widows, orphans, strangers, old people and people who cannot take care of themselves, the Black Church MUST use the tithes and offerings for the general well being of all God’s people. This means investing wisely to insure maximum benefits for the people who have given the tithes and offerings in the first place. Instead, our Black Churches put this money into Financial Institutions that will not lend our money back to us to improve our living conditions. The Black Church put our resources into Banks that will not lend the Church’s money back to the Church. The Black Church refuses to join with other Christians Churches so that there in more meat in the Master’s House. Doesn’t it make sense to put all the tithes and offerings into a Christians Bank or start a Credit Union controlled by Christians to the benefit of God’s People? Jesus said it very clearly, those who are against us are for us, there is no middle ground, either the Black Church’s economic policies hurt our communities or help the community. Nothing of importance happens in the African American Community until the Black Church move. Until the Black Church begins to quote this scripture, “If you love me, feed my sheep”, the meat in the storehouse means nothing, because God’s people remain physically hungry.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

“Of Course, Jesus Christ is White”

Before writing this article, I ask for forgiveness from all God Fearing Christian who may be offended by the point I am trying to make. When I say Christians, I mean everyone who confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Everyone who claims that God is their Father is my Brother or Sister, regardless of any other factors.

For a long time now, I have tried to figure out why Negroes or Blacks or African Americans, whatever label you choose, want so badly to act like and have the respect of White People. The reason is very simple; most African Americans are very religious and have a strong belief in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do too. Every since I first heard about Jesus, he has been portrayed as a young White Man. Therefore, to love and act like White People is only being Christ Like. We Blacks want to act like Christ so we can have Eternal Life in heaven with our Lord and since Jesus is White, we want act and be White also.

One thing about Christ is not debatable, Jesus is Jewish and “In Judaism, the making of any representation of God is strictly forbidden, as is the fashioning of any “graven image”. Islam has also adhered to this rule.” this quote from Britannica Online. This means that no one knows what God looks like and God himself forbids any images that represent his likeness.

Think about it, when Colored Politicians put the desires and comfort of White People before the needs and health concerns of the African Americans who elected them, they are not betraying their relatives, neighbors and friends; they are only being good Christians. In Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, North Carolina, we have some of the best Christian Politician in the world when it comes to taking care of the needs of the White Community because it is the Christian thing to do.

To my White Brothers and Sisters in Christ, you have been brain washed by the same images of Jesus being a young White Man. If you do not think so, consider this, how would Jesus be portrayed if people of color governed this country. For me, a picture of Jesus as a White Man is an image. If the common portrayal of Jesus is accurate, then White People should be treated as superiors to all other people because they are the image of God. But because God knows and understands everything, Deuteronomy 5:8 says, “Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:” I believe this was included so that one race of people would not consider themselves better than all other races and people because they looked like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If we believe what Genesis 1:26 says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” all men and all races and all cultures were made in the image of God because God said this before the first man was created. It is not our birth right that makes us Christ Like, it is the confession of Jesus as our Lord and Savior and our willingness to follow him.

There is no doubt that Jesus was born on the continent of Africa, making him an African. For those of you on the Christian Right, I am sure you want Jesus to be an American. Therefore, it follows that Jesus Christ is more closely identified as being African American than anything else. This conclusion is just as stupid as Christ Jesus being a young White Man. Now will you agree with me that Jesus Christ far exceeds any images that mortal men can conceive?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Not Even God Scares the Powers That Be

In the Holy Bible, King James Version, John 21:16 says. “He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.” The He here is Jesus Christ talking to his disciple Simon Peter. Jesus is telling Peter to take care of those who cannot care for themselves. The “Feed my sheep” implies more than just providing food, but also includes meeting their spiritual, physical and health needs. We Christians know this to be true, because this is exactly what Jesus did. Of course Jesus fed thousands of people; he also healed the sick and raised the dead. The elected Powers That Be in Forsyth County care nothing about the people who are the primary reason for having Government Officials. Forsyth County Government should protect and provide services for those who cannot provide for themselves. The citizens of Forsyth County who have Power, Influence, and Health Insurance do not need the Downtown Health Plaza. For these reasons, I am appealing only to those Christians who voted for these people by asking their Religious Leaders and any other members of their Churches and people who called themselves Christians to do as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says, “If you love me, feed my sheep.”

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

“You Can Not Blame This on Black Parents”

Every time there is a discussion about why African American High School Students are not making the grade, one of the first things said is, “It is because the parents are not doing their job.” This means the teachers and educators are not supposed to raise our young people. I agree with the later, teachers are not to raise our children, but they are supposed to educate them. To me, education is the process of learning. Learning includes teaching right and wrong, good and bad and how young men and women are expected to act a part of society. When teachers finish doing all of this, have not they helped to raise their students? The people who say it is the parents fault are the ones who do not recognize themselves as parents. When I was a young man, everyone acted like a parent, from uncles and aunts to friends and neighbors to the lady who lived down the street and knew your parents before you were born. All these people had the right to discipline you because they had an investment in our communities and how you turned out.

I just left a meeting of the Atkins High School Advisory Board. This group of civic leaders was organized to insure the success of the new of the new High School located of Old Greensboro Road. Most of this board are graduates of the old Atkins High School and have a vested interest in the well being of the student who attend this school. Of the fifteen to twenty-five members of this Board, there were three to five members of the board in attendance. All the other attendees were associated with the Board of Education or a Commercial Enterprise. Very important people from the White Community were there. People who make important decisions about the future of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County. Men and women who run large Corporations and multi-million dollar businesses. Employers who understand how important an educated workforce is to the success of their business ventures. People who obviously care more about our children than we do. This is a voluntary assignment for those of us who serve on the Advisory Board. The people and civic organizations who have agreed to participate supposedly did it out of a commitment to better education opportunities for our children.

When less than five people show up to this kind of meeting, it reflects badly on the African American Community. It is an embarrassment that African Americans who understand how important the education of our children is to our success as a people find excuses for not attending these meetings. All of us, Black, White and Brown, have to find the time to do something about this corrupt and unfair education system. Is all we want to do is stand up at public meetings and compliant about how it is the parent fault that our children are not being educated? Do we believe because my children attend a private or majority high school, that minority student low graduation rate is not a concern? For those of you who simply do not care about educating all students, it cost more to incarcerate than to educate. The Bible says to whom much is given, much is required, and educating our children requires all of us. We cannot blame Black Parents for this one. Neither can we blame this on the White Man; this is a complete failure of African American Leadership. The message we have sent is this, “we as a people do not care about what happens to our children’s education, as long as we can find someone other than ourselves to blame.” It is like I said, if I were a White Civic Leader, Businessman, Education Administrator, College Executive, Member of the Chamber or just Joe Blow, the only conclusion I would leave this meeting with is they (black people) just do not care or do not understand how important the education of their children is to the success of their race. And if they (African Americans) do not care, why should I?