Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hooray for Black Men

In slavery times, Negroes were expect to pay deference to the plantation owners and this included holding an umbrella over the masters’ head to keep the sun or rain off of him. There was nothing wrong with this because it was expected that slaves would provide and for their masters.

When this same act is performed today, it brings about questions and concerns. Why would an employee hold an umbrella over her supervisor’s head to keep the rain off him? Is the employee doing it out of respect, common courtesy, tradition and/or fear? Let me give you a true example of what I am talking about; recently, a group of concerned voters met with city employees to talk about a nuisance problem. The attendees were three city employees, two white male supervisors and a black female worker. Four black males were the opposition. During the outside meeting, it began to rain very hard. One of the white males had an umbrella as did the black female. There were two umbrellas among the black males. Continually during the falling rain the black female attempted to provide cover for the white male supervisor without an umbrella. This so embarrassed the white male that he rejected her attempts to shield him from the rain. She never offered to share her umbrella with the black males standing there in the rain. Since my thinking is sometimes way out of the box, I want to know what others think?

Some would say it was just the Christian thing to do. I agreed, but there were two other black men there who had not rejected her offer for protection from the rain, but she never offered them to share her umbrella. Some would say she was proving to her white superiors that she was team players, very important in Corporate America. Some would say she was doing whatever was necessary to provide for herself and her family. Some would say, I am making too much of nothing. I would say, until the Blacks recognize that they are free, we will always act like slaves.

Here is the irony of this situation; all the black males knew that the black female was being setup as the fall guy. She was only added to the team when it appears to be a confrontation between the blacks and whites. She was not the lead person until problems arose. Strange as it seems, although she was with her team, all the black males refused to challenge her very weak position. Black males are together when it comes to our ladies. We would rather stand in the rain rather than embarrass our women.

After an Ox has grounded out grain for a very long time, if all restrains are removed, that Ox will continue to go in circles. No matter which of the above reasons you choose for the black female behavior, in the final analysis, she does not see herself as a competent individual. There is no longer a need for chains and whips because we are so brainwashed, we still act like slaves.


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