Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Two - Two One

This country fought the Revolutionary War and about taxation without representation. In Forsyth County we now have the same problem; we are being taxed without any chance of the Forsyth County Commissioners paying any attention to the wishes, desires and issues of District A. Of the Seven (7) County Commissioners, only two seems to have any interest in what happens in District A. District A is where one third of the populations lives, works and plays. District A is Democratic and has the only non-White County Commissioners. The other five (5) Republican Commissioners are so confident in their ability to control the County’s Agenda that they do not even bother to show up at Public Forums where major issues concerning Public Health and Taxes are discussed. Excuses are made for these no shows by saying that they are running unopposed. Does unopposed mean, “Don’t give a damn?”

Until our Forsyth County Commissioners feel that all County Voters are their constituents, we who live in District A will continue to be ignored. Because the voters in District A have no impact on Forsyth County Commissioners in District B, District A residents have no voice in County Government. Current District A Commissioners say, it takes four (4) votes to get anything done in County Government. On the best days, District A issues lose four (4) to three (3). That is why I recommended a new structure for Forsyth County Government, Two - Two One. The County Commission would consist of two (2) Members from District A and two Members (2) from District B and one Members elected At-Large. This means, it would only take three (3) votes to pass legislation. Both Districts, A and B would be represented and could still focus mainly on their constituencies, but would have to consider the entire County to get anything done. Since the At-Large Member would be elected County Wide, they would be the swing vote and insure the tax payers that both Districts are considered before any legislation is passed.

For those of you who think this is a crazy idea, think back to the times when having a African American as a Forsyth County Commissioner was just as crazy. Now that we have African American Commissioners, how about making their votes count and giving them a real role in how Forsyth County is governed. As the Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”, I hope to bring New Leadership and Vision to the Forsyth County Commission.


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